Club Championship

Club Championship

During the season, the section traditionally organizes a number of training competitions. After counting the points, the club champions are crowned among men and women. Participation in the KM-series is included in the membership fee. No pre-registration required, just show up. An exception is Fyristrippeln where prior registration is required. Separate information about the registration will be on our social media.

The winner in each class gets 10 points, the second gets 7 points, the third 6 points, etc., the others who participate get 2 points. For encouragement to participate, those who participate but break for various reasons 1 point in the KM series. The triathlon competitions give double points. All competitions are added together. 

NOTE: participation in at least five competitions is required to become a club champion!


deltävlingar 2024

18 april kl. 19.20. Samlingsplats: Fyrishov.

4 maj kl. 10.00. Samlingsplats: Björklingebadet.

14 maj kl. 19.00. Samlingsplats: Kommer på Facebook / e-post.

22 maj, start 19.00. Gathering place: Björklingebadet.

 27 maj kl. 19.00. Samlingsplats: Björklingebadet.

6 juni. Samling klockan 10.00, start ca 11:30. Samlingsplats: Björklingebadet.

15 juni kl. 10.00. Samlingsplats: Björklingebadet.

10 augusti kl. 10.00. Samlingsplats: Björklingebadet. INSTÄLLT PGA ALGBLOMNING!

7 september kl. 10.00. Samling vid Studenternas kl. 09.00.

15 september kl. 10.00. Samlingsplats: Röbo utegym.

See some previous competitions

We want more members!