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Swimming info

Are you interested in starting swimming with us?

We swim at Fyrishov and divide the year into two semesters (spring and autumn). With us you can swim three times a week where we set up the swimming session weekly. We also have a sim coach on hand a couple of times per semester.

Get in touch if you are interested in swimming with us!

OW simning

Swimming schedule (indoor)

To see the weekly schedule for all training and swimming over the summer, click here.

At 19.00-20.00 (slower group)
Coretraining after the first group, 30 min
at 20.00-21.00 (faster group)

Tränare på kanten ca 1 gång/månad

Kl.19.30-21.00 alla simmar tillsammans

More info

Membership required

Club membership required to participate in swimming (see page Become a Member ).

Swimming fee

Kostnad för simning: 790 kr betalas in till IKFT PG 212192-9.


Members who have swum previous semesters have priority to sign up for the next semester. Then the places are filled up with new swimmers. For new swimmers, the swimming fee of SEK 650 and the membership fee for the current year must be paid before we can hand out the swimming card. 790 kr samt medlemsavgift för det aktuella året ska vara betalt innan vi kan lämna ut simkortet.

Storage for yoga mats and other things at Fyrishov

We have one of the wall-mounted cages, storage C5 in Fyrishov to store yoga mats for core training, and materials for children's training.

Distribution of entrance cards

Entrance cards are handed out on site by us in front of Fyrishov's reception a quarter of an hour before the first swimming sessions.

Do you want to quit swimming?

If you want to drop out of swimming, we appreciate if you contact one of us as soon as possible so that we know we can bring in a new person. You do not have to return the card but it will be deregistered and will not be usable.

We want more members!